to the comment down below : No one wanna die for the scond time , you got the ultimate rare 1 time CHANCES , why need to wasting it …. every minute is precious , why need to cry over things tht already past when you were given another chance to live ….. if it were me … i would never throw my chances to going depression over something tht already past … rather i take that chances to fight for my only live i have now so there wont be any regret left
This pace is rather fast. Generally even if it was brief you would’ve lament about death even if it’s your own. There’s like overcoming trauma and shit. But this dude is like oh dead ok whatever then this is what I’ll do
For Below Comments,
At first i would have thought how and why i am here not that i have to survive.
That is the realist comment I’ve ever seen, thanks manhwa sucker
Manhwa sucker
Bro those bottom two people are the kind you don’t wanna socialise with 🫡
oh my poor english down there 😂😂😂😂
to the comment down below : No one wanna die for the scond time , you got the ultimate rare 1 time CHANCES , why need to wasting it …. every minute is precious , why need to cry over things tht already past when you were given another chance to live ….. if it were me … i would never throw my chances to going depression over something tht already past … rather i take that chances to fight for my only live i have now so there wont be any regret left
TheReader. 25
This pace is rather fast. Generally even if it was brief you would’ve lament about death even if it’s your own. There’s like overcoming trauma and shit. But this dude is like oh dead ok whatever then this is what I’ll do