I do feel bad for him. Even though he could’ve been nicer you don’t have to be nice to everybody especially people you don’t know. It’s unfortunate the CEO took his life but that man’s poor mental state isn’t Hyunseung’s fault. And although money isn’t everything it is something, Some people have money but won’t give anybody a dime. He didn’t deserve to lose his career just because he wasn’t nice enough to his family or some random man. If he bullied ppl or abuse his power, sure, but denying someone a song he worked hard on isn’t abuse it’s the way the world works.
i dont think its his fault even i wouldnt give my songs to someone who wont be able to make the best of it..and i think you can be a bit arrogant as long as you have skills .
he wasn’t that bad it is not arrogance when you actually have the ability, and he probably should not have said then die but if you do things and life to just to please others or stop threats you’re not living.
So he’s what arrogant and got what came at him? But like he’s regret isn’t one out of reflection in the form of sorry but that seems to be more of because it came back to bite him and now he’s lost everything. Isn’t this just more like self pity? I guess realising cause you were arrogant is an improvement I guess. Literally was no sympathy in him in the beginning
How is this all his fault? I really hate characters who easily blame themselves instead of being rational,
I do feel bad for him. Even though he could’ve been nicer you don’t have to be nice to everybody especially people you don’t know. It’s unfortunate the CEO took his life but that man’s poor mental state isn’t Hyunseung’s fault. And although money isn’t everything it is something, Some people have money but won’t give anybody a dime. He didn’t deserve to lose his career just because he wasn’t nice enough to his family or some random man. If he bullied ppl or abuse his power, sure, but denying someone a song he worked hard on isn’t abuse it’s the way the world works.
i dont think its his fault even i wouldnt give my songs to someone who wont be able to make the best of it..and i think you can be a bit arrogant as long as you have skills .
he wasn’t that bad it is not arrogance when you actually have the ability, and he probably should not have said then die but if you do things and life to just to please others or stop threats you’re not living.
TheReader. 25
So he’s what arrogant and got what came at him? But like he’s regret isn’t one out of reflection in the form of sorry but that seems to be more of because it came back to bite him and now he’s lost everything. Isn’t this just more like self pity? I guess realising cause you were arrogant is an improvement I guess. Literally was no sympathy in him in the beginning