Bruh u guys
U guys should take a Burning stick slowly stab her in one of her eyes. Then force her to eat the eye that’s on the burning stick then slowly burn her then put her out until she slowly dies from being cooked to death😈
Bruh u guys
U guys should take a Bruning stick slowly stab her in one of her eyes. Then force her to eat the eye that’s on the burning stick then slowly burn her then put her out until she slowly dies from being cooked to death😈
Bruh u guys
U guys should take a Burning stick slowly stab her in one of her eyes. Then force her to eat the eye that’s on the burning stick then slowly burn her then put her out until she slowly dies from being cooked to death😈
Bruh u guys
U guys should take a Bruning stick slowly stab her in one of her eyes. Then force her to eat the eye that’s on the burning stick then slowly burn her then put her out until she slowly dies from being cooked to death😈
So beautiful
@✨palm trees🌴✨ you guys are truly some other things✊🏻✊🏻
✨palm trees🌴✨
@Regina she deserves a more painful death than that. maybe dying out slowly from blood loss?
i really hope that bitch sister has a heart attack and die
Im so I’m love with this manhwa