Just love goodwill my man, WHY IS SHE TAKING SUCH HATD ROUTE. Personally I would have make him get out of my life within 5 minutes. Idk why the author is really dragging this and if FL ENDS WITH THIS PIECE OF TRASH SORRY I WILL HATE THIS MANHWA FOR MY WHOLE LIFE, IK THAT NOVEL WAS TRASH CUZ OF ENDING BUT LETS NOT MAKE THE MANHWA GO through that route. It’s really bit that hard to love a man who is doing everything for u and ur kid, idk how she cant accept him but she can feeling for a guy who treated her like a trash, like make sense like wtf is wrong with u. How can you like or have feelings for a guy who made ur dignity to shambles
FL please just run away
I hate it but I love at the same time I can’t stop reading but I have goosebumps all over me
Just love goodwill my man, WHY IS SHE TAKING SUCH HATD ROUTE. Personally I would have make him get out of my life within 5 minutes. Idk why the author is really dragging this and if FL ENDS WITH THIS PIECE OF TRASH SORRY I WILL HATE THIS MANHWA FOR MY WHOLE LIFE, IK THAT NOVEL WAS TRASH CUZ OF ENDING BUT LETS NOT MAKE THE MANHWA GO through that route. It’s really bit that hard to love a man who is doing everything for u and ur kid, idk how she cant accept him but she can feeling for a guy who treated her like a trash, like make sense like wtf is wrong with u. How can you like or have feelings for a guy who made ur dignity to shambles
Should’ve pulled the damn trigger!
This girl should just run and find literally anyone else
Gu Xiao Ru
Why they don’t want to talk seriously