I cried a river when I read this part of the novel. Erna screaming Bjorn’s name sparked sorrowful scene in my imagination. Seeing it illustrated now, it really is devastating. Erna, my babygirl…
Ahh, poor Erna. This whole situation was truly too much for her to bear. And despite his arrogance until now, I’m feeling a little sorry for Bjorn too, because it’s truly heartbreaking for both a mother and a father to lose their child. Rest in peace, little one. . .😓
It’s starting to get boring. They are literally just talking to themselves over and over and over again. How many chapters will be like this? The story itself is good, but enough with the mindless talking. Seriously when is the last time she has had a real conversation? Maybe I just feel like this because updates are slow. Then again 80% of this story is them just talking to themselves like I’m reading a diary
I cried a river when I read this part of the novel. Erna screaming Bjorn’s name sparked sorrowful scene in my imagination. Seeing it illustrated now, it really is devastating. Erna, my babygirl…
So true it getting really boring 😴
Ahh, poor Erna. This whole situation was truly too much for her to bear. And despite his arrogance until now, I’m feeling a little sorry for Bjorn too, because it’s truly heartbreaking for both a mother and a father to lose their child. Rest in peace, little one. . .😓
It’s starting to get boring. They are literally just talking to themselves over and over and over again. How many chapters will be like this? The story itself is good, but enough with the mindless talking. Seriously when is the last time she has had a real conversation? Maybe I just feel like this because updates are slow. Then again 80% of this story is them just talking to themselves like I’m reading a diary
Pretty Art
Ohhnooo 😭😭
This miscarriage was not his fault… But indirectly it was. So whenever I see his face I want to slap him badly for treating her like a doll.