I just want everyone in the comments berating the fl for being “stupid” to know that if you used your thinking skills, just as you’re saying she should have, you would realize that she has never experienced war; she hasn’t read about much of it as that wasn’t something women in this time period were meant to be focused on, and ptsd wasn’t even a thing at the time. So if anyone is a bit “stupid,” it would be you.
The procedure of how to deal with a seizure is totally wrong. Please do not follow. The real procedure is Stay calm and stay with the person.
Turn the person on their side
Make the person ia as comfortable as possible, cushion the head and remove glasses.
Loosen any tight clothing
Do not ever put anything in the person mouth.
Do not try to “stop” the convulsions or restrain It.
Pay attention to the length of the seizure – when the seizure started and stopped
Call 911 for any seizure lasting more than 5 minutes, or if the person is injured during the seizure.
What do you expect from someone who can’t even do their own laundry?
I just want everyone in the comments berating the fl for being “stupid” to know that if you used your thinking skills, just as you’re saying she should have, you would realize that she has never experienced war; she hasn’t read about much of it as that wasn’t something women in this time period were meant to be focused on, and ptsd wasn’t even a thing at the time. So if anyone is a bit “stupid,” it would be you.
How stupid and naive she is
He was most likely having a panic attack from PTSD, rather than an actual seizure.
Who is stupid enough to show a movie without screening it first?
The procedure of how to deal with a seizure is totally wrong. Please do not follow. The real procedure is Stay calm and stay with the person.
Turn the person on their side
Make the person ia as comfortable as possible, cushion the head and remove glasses.
Loosen any tight clothing
Do not ever put anything in the person mouth.
Do not try to “stop” the convulsions or restrain It.
Pay attention to the length of the seizure – when the seizure started and stopped
Call 911 for any seizure lasting more than 5 minutes, or if the person is injured during the seizure.
World War 1