She’s not being weak, she’s biding her time and waiting for the opportune moment. She gave her father one chance to show whether or not he’s worth her time and he let her down. She’s cut care of him out of her heart and will do what he wants on the surface only in order to put herself in a position to do as she wants when she’s older and has enough power to go against him. She’s smart.
She’s not being weak, she’s biding her time and waiting for the opportune moment. She gave her father one chance to show whether or not he’s worth her time and he let her down. She’s cut care of him out of her heart and will do what he wants on the surface only in order to put herself in a position to do as she wants when she’s older and has enough power to go against him. She’s smart.
She’s so pathetic even I want to kill her ☺️ fuck off bitch
Attta Girl don’t show weakness… And don’t long for his love anymore. He don’t deserve it
That’s kinda smart