@sammysam Because she never knew her father as anything but her killer, so learning about him and growing to love him is a new experience completely. But the kid? She knew him enough to expect him to save her and the original FL, but he didn’t save her. He left her to die in a FIRE, to get burned. She revisited that dream a few times to hammer home the trauma of that event. He was someone she thought she could rely on to help her (even if it was because he was also helping FL) but he didn’t. Someone her age, who could have and should have helped – not an adult who can’t be trusted. Not a random person she didn’t know. She was told by FL that he and the others would save them – both of them – and… well, it was a lie. That’s a betrayal. You have to have faith to be betrayed. She never had faith in the adult that was this worlds’ father – the villain of the story – but in her fellow kids? She did.
@sammysam Because she never knew her father as anything but her killer, so learning about him and growing to love him is a new experience completely. But the kid? She knew him enough to expect him to save her and the original FL, but he didn’t save her. He left her to die in a FIRE, to get burned. She revisited that dream a few times to hammer home the trauma of that event. He was someone she thought she could rely on to help her (even if it was because he was also helping FL) but he didn’t. Someone her age, who could have and should have helped – not an adult who can’t be trusted. Not a random person she didn’t know. She was told by FL that he and the others would save them – both of them – and… well, it was a lie. That’s a betrayal. You have to have faith to be betrayed. She never had faith in the adult that was this worlds’ father – the villain of the story – but in her fellow kids? She did.
So she can live and forgive her adopted father for killing her in the past but not the little boy that’s trying hard to be friends with her smh
Aww my babies~~