The Villain’s Sister Suffers Today - Chapter 71
Adopted Protagonist, Beautiful Female Lead, Best Manhwa, Depression, Female Protagonist, Handsome Male Lead, Hot manhwa, Love Interest Falls in Love First, Magic, Male Yandere, Manganew, Monsters, Nobles, Possessive Characters, Psychopaths, read kunmanga free online, Recommended by kunmanga, Reincarnated in Another World, Reincarnation, Saturday, Siblings Not Related by Blood, Slow Romance, Time Manipulation, Time Travel, Top 10 Manhwa, Younger Love Interests
i think it’s too much… they grew up together as brother and sister after all! they weren’t even separated…
Yeah Thank god I’ve been reading the LN to find out what the next chapter is going to be like. So now I guess I go back to the LN to finish seeing what happens.
But for those who would like to know a bit of a spoiler of what I read so far check below.
Almost there.
Ok since you made it this far let me give you a small piece. This will be a very detail piece.
Lydia and Ash returns to the mansion, after Lydia has a faint spell.
She wakes up to see her personal maid and person guard ( Forgot their names ) with a doctor and a couple other people at her bed. She realize that it wasn’t a dream of Ash coming to her rescue.
Her personal Maid ( Forgot her name ) is crying and say how could she put herself in danger like that. Everyone was worried about her.
Once everyone is dismissed but her Personal Maid.
She and Lydia ends up speaking one on one, to which she has Lydia promise that she will NEVER do this again.
Lydia agrees, and asks her if she wanted to know why she did what she did. Her personal maid tells her that she will know when Lydia is ready to tell her.
Once she leaves Ash comes in, and they began to speak.
She tells him that they’re not related by blood, which is why she went away since she is not his real sister.
Ash stays quiet but then tells her that he knows.
~~ That the end of that chapter and the next part is the beginning of the following chapter ~~
NOTE: This part is from his POV.
It starts with Ash remembering where/how he finds out that they’re not blood related.
This starts off when he is a new born baby, in the crib with his eyes close.
Lydia comes into the room, and she she pokes at his cheeks saying how he’s adorable and etc.
She ends up tells him ( when he’s a baby, eyes still close ) that they’re not blood related. And that she’s from another world reborn into this one. she explains to new born baby Ash, that she was adopted, but she will make sure that he is well love and taken care of.
Everyday she will visit him and talk to him, and since Ash doesn’t have a great visual of her, since new born babies eyes can’t see all that clearly. He enjoys listening to her voice and began to wonder what she looks like.
Once he’s finally be able to see clearly, he opens his eyes and get a good look at her, he thinks she’s cute.
His obsession’s with Lydia starts when he’s a new born, listening to her voice and it grows from there.
The whole time when he’s a baby, Lydia was telling him about her past life, and talking about any and everything. She figured since he’s a baby that he wouldn’t know what she saying or remember anything.
Ash finally grows older and his memory slowly goes away. But not completely just hidden in the back of his mind waiting for him to remember.
As he growing he begins to understand that his sister doesn’t like certain things ( ex. him taking living people and forcing them to be “Dolls” for her ).
He also realizes that not only is everyone around him weak, and scared of him. But Lydia is also weak, and needs protections.
So he does things like going to the “Underworld Organization” and killing their leader, and supporters of that leader.
Now he has the “Underworld Organization” who will be under his command and will protector her.
The scene skips to when their parents pass away, and they promise to always be there for one another. His feelings for her is growing more.
The scene skips to when he see her dress up and he’s realize that Lydia is an adult now and there are roaches around her trying to get her attention.
To which he doesn’t like at all. He understand that he has feeling for her, but can’t move on those feeling.
To to further put this in dept., he had a Business Partner/ long standing friend, who Ash Liked. But one day that guy started talking about having Ash give his sister to him. Ash first thought was “I need to get rid of him.” He was furious that he wanted to be with his Lydia, and the manner he was speaking of his Lydia. So he ended his life that same day without any hesitation.
The chapter then skips to the scene where he finds out that she’s missing,. He keeps thinking why did she leave me. He knows there’s something important in his memory, so he’s trying to remember what he did or she said.
Then he finds her, and she’s hurt with her ankle, and she tells him that she’s not even his real sister and not to worry about her anymore. Then the memory of when he was a baby makes its entrance.
She ends up fainting he picks her up, bring her to the carriage. But he’s happy becuz now he move on his feelings, that he’s always had for her. And kisses her forehead while saying her name and smiling.
The scene skips to when there in her bedroom, and she says again that he and her are not blood related. And he’s like I already know.
He holds her hands and ask her if she see’s him as a brother still. She looks at him surprise, and he says he hopes not.
Lydia is shocked, but shakes her head no.
He laughs and smiles put her hair behind her ear and tells her that going forward he is not her little brother and that she should get some rest.
And she turns red and was blushing.
And the chapter ends there.
That’s how far I read, but that the end of that. I plan on reading more as soon as I post this.
I want Next chap😭