Stragirlgaxly Her father disgust me. How do you allow another man into your “precious “ daughter room knowing that she hates him August 19, 2023 at 7:19 pm Log in to Reply
Mimim2 I get it that he killed her for her honor but he didn’t take her feelings into consideration July 16, 2023 at 1:48 pm Log in to Reply
ari_3lla Estelle honey…..that was plain as day. Sometimes i wish FL was smarter cause she can be too emotion-driven, you know. “You killed me, you killed me”. Yes…..thats how all our FL’s die now plot some proper revenge wtf July 16, 2023 at 10:51 am Log in to Reply
Utawareromuno Oh he’s sweet but a psycho, a little bit psycho 🎶 July 16, 2023 at 10:20 am Log in to Reply
Disgusting beyond repairs…
Her father disgust me. How do you allow another man into your “precious “ daughter room knowing that she hates him
I get it that he killed her for her honor but he didn’t take her feelings into consideration
Estelle honey…..that was plain as day. Sometimes i wish FL was smarter cause she can be too emotion-driven, you know. “You killed me, you killed me”. Yes…..thats how all our FL’s die now plot some proper revenge wtf
Oh he’s sweet but a psycho, a little bit psycho 🎶
Anya Forger
Psycho 🤮🤮