She hasn’t put together that others besides the emperor could have been given the black stuff? That’s why she was so horribly mistreated? That her “sister” was so loved because she took the terra that mages feel comfortable around? She’s slow And a coward. The girl was going to torture you horribly and you want to do nothing? Where’s your blood just? My viscous heart can’t stand a timid FL. I do love the flame though. Saying she can run away to make her realize that really isn’t an option. Retreating to advance. He knows how to handle this wilting flower…
no attracting attention would not kill her again it is ridiculous it took 50+ chapters for her to realize she should get justice and not let her “sister” hurt people. she calls her sister easily in both lives but never treated the people who adopted her well and was shocked in her last life the people she avoided like a disease chose the person who did not do that
She hasn’t put together that others besides the emperor could have been given the black stuff? That’s why she was so horribly mistreated? That her “sister” was so loved because she took the terra that mages feel comfortable around? She’s slow And a coward. The girl was going to torture you horribly and you want to do nothing? Where’s your blood just? My viscous heart can’t stand a timid FL. I do love the flame though. Saying she can run away to make her realize that really isn’t an option. Retreating to advance. He knows how to handle this wilting flower…
no attracting attention would not kill her again it is ridiculous it took 50+ chapters for her to realize she should get justice and not let her “sister” hurt people. she calls her sister easily in both lives but never treated the people who adopted her well and was shocked in her last life the people she avoided like a disease chose the person who did not do that
I really can’t understand why she keeps calling this b*tch as her sister.
TheReader. 25
Her insecurities are understandable but she’s already gone in and attracted attention may as well win or die a miserable death again.