omfggggg i wanna beat the absolute shit out of everyone except kiana and her mom and take them to a house outside the country to save them or something EVERYONE ELSE JUST GETS ON MY FKN NERVES
Well that’s a lot diferent from the novel. It’s the duke the one who’s trying to poison and not her, she begs him that he don’t do it but he keeps the plan ????
I’m sorry but why don’t you kill yourself to see if THAT ASSHOLE KING react or not. Ask for a fking help, girl! AND AUTHOR STOP WITH THIS SLOW STORY. I FEEL LIKE TO BURN EVERY CHARACTERS EXCEPT KIANA
omfggggg i wanna beat the absolute shit out of everyone except kiana and her mom and take them to a house outside the country to save them or something EVERYONE ELSE JUST GETS ON MY FKN NERVES
Ml sucks, translation sucks, story sucks. Idk why I’m still hanging on, maybe I’m a bit of a massochist because reading this is painful.
The panel when the king enters her room is the same as episode 5. I think you mix both episode.
Well that’s a lot diferent from the novel. It’s the duke the one who’s trying to poison and not her, she begs him that he don’t do it but he keeps the plan ????
Y’know what’s trash? The translation
This makes me think of abandoned empress. Ml is trash and she needs to move on
Fl move on
Ahhhh bastard fl deserve better that that bastard ml
The fl shouldn’t sacrifice her life for that stupid male lead, he’s not worth it.
I’m sorry but why don’t you kill yourself to see if THAT ASSHOLE KING react or not. Ask for a fking help, girl! AND AUTHOR STOP WITH THIS SLOW STORY. I FEEL LIKE TO BURN EVERY CHARACTERS EXCEPT KIANA