I’m sorry, in what universe is it normal to assume a guest visiting your house will randomly have a pair of women’s shoes? Pointing out they both left at the same time, and making accusations based on that? Ok. Saying she was an embarrassment because she was barefoot? Also ok. But saying she must have secretly met up because she is wearing shoes? Weird
I’m sorry, in what universe is it normal to assume a guest visiting your house will randomly have a pair of women’s shoes? Pointing out they both left at the same time, and making accusations based on that? Ok. Saying she was an embarrassment because she was barefoot? Also ok. But saying she must have secretly met up because she is wearing shoes? Weird
Just read the summary, and it says her powers awaken.
I guess we will just have to wait and see..
Oohhhh… maybe she dies today and resurrects, so that is why she becomes witch without being a baby?
TheReader. 25
Hm maybe FL will die and be reborn? Cause her feeble ass weak personality won’t fight for herself but if she had an ability she’d be less scared.