alianamars This is sad but the fulfilling feeling will come after the torture. December 8, 2023 at 3:44 am Log in to Reply
Yanameks I feel sad when I read these episodes in novel.. December 7, 2023 at 4:33 pm Log in to Reply
MCjustthink I feel like they are reinforcing assume lessons on the dragon that could be the seed to an unhealthy practice. Like a thousand years from then when Raun is an adult, it may torture and eat those that offend, because it learned that lesson here. December 7, 2023 at 3:46 pm Log in to Reply
Nah this family
Hug for raon🫂
This is sad but the fulfilling feeling will come after the torture.
thank you for the ud 😊😊
I feel sad when I read these episodes in novel..
I feel like they are reinforcing assume lessons on the dragon that could be the seed to an unhealthy practice. Like a thousand years from then when Raun is an adult, it may torture and eat those that offend, because it learned that lesson here.