A problem with a lot of these Chinese stories is that every woman in them is jealous, vengeful, and vindictive, or needs the FL to save them and every man is either perfect or complete scum. It lacks character complexity, like maybe a model doesn’t like the FL but respects her. Japanese manga handles character complexity much better. But these women are so vindictive and so entitled, it’s hard to take any of it seriously.
A problem with a lot of these Chinese stories is that every woman in them is jealous, vengeful, and vindictive, or needs the FL to save them and every man is either perfect or complete scum. It lacks character complexity, like maybe a model doesn’t like the FL but respects her. Japanese manga handles character complexity much better. But these women are so vindictive and so entitled, it’s hard to take any of it seriously.
Sorry. Going to drop this now. It was fun and exciting for awhile. Thanks