I love how the author didn’t give Karnon a redemption arc because I’m so doe
of excusing those so called parents because they realize they were wrong *cough* iykyk
author be like : yeah keep your trash reputation till the end. 👍
I think y’all are forgetting that when he dies, Dorothea’s freedom and teenage years
are basically over. She’ll get huge responsibilities, stress, as well as her brother. It’s best that he keeps living as long as possible, so that they can enjoy their freedom a bit longer. At least Karl is positive to her marriage
I love how the author didn’t give Karnon a redemption arc because I’m so doe
of excusing those so called parents because they realize they were wrong *cough* iykyk
author be like : yeah keep your trash reputation till the end. 👍
iam a hugesimpp
let dorothea be free alreadyyyy
I think y’all are forgetting that when he dies, Dorothea’s freedom and teenage years
are basically over. She’ll get huge responsibilities, stress, as well as her brother. It’s best that he keeps living as long as possible, so that they can enjoy their freedom a bit longer. At least Karl is positive to her marriage
Liu Mei
Just die already 😏 it would be the best thing you can do to the nation and your children☺️
love dilf
stfu, her marriage is not yours to decide!
ugh he shouldve died
I hope those “months” go quickly. Also it’s a 100 chapters!!! Congratulations!!!
gossip gurl
Shut the hell up bastard ….