I’d be so happy if Stefan just adopted her. Maybe her mother actually died because her husband was such a d… and she couldnt take being around him anymore. Joking aside, when their father dies I hope his wife shuns him for how hes treated their daughter.
Clara and Stephan are both a total gem. Both of them really care for her dearly. I cried when she poured her heart out and Stefan hugged her and told her she is a good kid. I hope Clara can help bridge them together for reconciliation. Both of them are like her real mommy and daddy. I love them both.
Overly excited manga monkey gomez
I’d be so happy if Stefan just adopted her. Maybe her mother actually died because her husband was such a d… and she couldnt take being around him anymore. Joking aside, when their father dies I hope his wife shuns him for how hes treated their daughter.
Clara and Stephan are both a total gem. Both of them really care for her dearly. I cried when she poured her heart out and Stefan hugged her and told her she is a good kid. I hope Clara can help bridge them together for reconciliation. Both of them are like her real mommy and daddy. I love them both.