dorothy is pissing me off, a man who mever treated her poorly, rewinded time for her, faced abuse for her or a man who married her out of pure greed and a portion of his love only because it benefitd her like hello
I feel abit sad for Ethan even tho I know the spoilers. If I were to choose it would be Ethan rather than Theon he only loved dorthy this timline unlike Ethan(。•́︿•̀。)
If you guys were to be in dorthy’s position who would you choose? Bird one or Bird two?
Just help him without marrying him, jesus christ
Oh dorothea i hope you choose the 2nd bird
wife of northern dukes
Dorothy shit is getting dumber and dumber. If she doesnt choose ethan im dropping this manhwa. Dont need a dumb fl
@I_love_this no don’t worry she choose the second bird
@Jinshi I would choose bird 2… Without a doubt…. Seeing as if u said u know spoilers, don’t tell me she accepted bird 1
dorothy is pissing me off, a man who mever treated her poorly, rewinded time for her, faced abuse for her or a man who married her out of pure greed and a portion of his love only because it benefitd her like hello
I feel abit sad for Ethan even tho I know the spoilers. If I were to choose it would be Ethan rather than Theon he only loved dorthy this timline unlike Ethan(。•́︿•̀。)
If you guys were to be in dorthy’s position who would you choose? Bird one or Bird two?