Under the Oak Tree - Chapter 124
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@Pietchan try freewebnovel it’s complete
@quinjag Have you read the Book 2 as well? Is there any english version available? I wouldn’t mind paying but dear, it’s so hard to find it
@Kajana_197 I read the complete novel in RIDI the original platform where the novel was uploaded you can just google it out it’s in Korean because at that time the novel wasn’t available on the English platform (maybe it was available but not updated on time as in the Korean site). it’s paid so yeah need to spend some money but it wasn’t that expensive because the author uploads a chapter if I remember correctly twice a week until the story is done..
@quinjag did she have a miscarriage or not and can you send me the link for the novel.
Also, this novel has long been finished so any complaints about Maxi’s decisions and actions won’t change the ending hahaha anyway I thought the Maxi from Chapter 1 was way more prettier than how Maxi is drawn now. I just thought the female side characters were drawn more beautifully than Maxi maybe because they changed the artist I dunno….
@Roundcell you’re not missing anything it’s just that someone already spoiled it in the previous chapter about Maxi being pregnant.
Dude.. Am I missing something?? When did she know she was pregnant?
oh, you all quit whining about how Maxi is right now! isn’t what she’s doing making this more interesting and exciting? She doesn’t know she’s pregnant yet ok…also don’t call her stupid like you haven’t read how she was raised by her father what you read here is just a fraction of what actually happened in the novel just tit and bits of every chapter and it’s so frustrating that not everything is illustrated here, especially their emotions and how they feel and think compared in the novel…and yes she will be caught by Riftan of course in a most dramatic way and that moment in the novel was so magical I read it a few times over and over again because it was exciting,, nerve-racking, and funny at the same time….. there’s so much growth that will happen to both of them from this chapter onwards… so you all enjoy how Maxi is right now cause she is about to make the biggest sacrifice of her life.
Glad I’m not the only one annoyed by how much she is underestimating the danger.
She is worried about her legendary super soldier because the war is THAT dangerous. But somehow decides to put her green naive self in the same hell to satisfy her worries. Ruth having to spend mental energy sticking close to her or helping her keep a secret could cost someone their life. And he has no choice in the matter.
You know, it would not feel as selfish if she came as a healer because she wanted revenge on the monsters or came to protect the country out of duty. Still irresponsible but yea.
Aaron warner
Girll samee . Like i love that you’re worrying about your husband and all but remember he’s a remdragon and you’re a princess. Remember how many times you could’ve died . Also you’re too frail and on top of that you’re pregnant and in war zone . Like imagine if that priest wasn’t there and that guy forced himself on you m you could easily break a bone or even lose your baby. Image if it reaches riftan . We all know that he’s going to protect you but to what length. We’re talking war right here and imagine the trouble everyone is going to go through because of you . Be more careful and think twice with that head of yours . We know this is a huge character development but i could risk you your own life or even worse , your husband’s or your baby’s life
Okay so in my personal opinion maxi is being stupid right now..like up until now I was on maxi’s side she wanted to find her potential and all it was good. But then she wanted to come with the knights to that church place idr I had mixed feeling about that too since it was not safe but this? This is so stupid like it’s a war field you are going to and without telling riftan that even in worst scenario he’ll protect you. Also GIRL YOU ARE PREGNANT STOP. it’s kinda frustrating ik she wants to prove herself but she shouldn’t risk her life like that