Under the Oak Tree - Chapter 74
Best Manhwa, Debajo del Roble, Drama, Fantasy, Good Manhwa, Hot, Hot manhwa, Josei, Josei recommendation, Josei recommendations, Josei recommended, KIM Soo-ji, Manhwa, Namu, recommendations Josei, recommended Josei, Romance, s2manga, Top 10 Manhwa, Top Trending, Under the Oak Tree, 상수리나무 아래, 상수리나무 아래
I get him
The problem here is that he loves her so much and just wants to keep her safe but has no idea he’s actually trapping her like her father did and she can’t stand up for herself because she has no self worth yet (I understand her, I’ve been there having an emotionally abusive mother. It’s hard to change, but she is actively trying.) I think this could all be resolved if she would just fucking tell him what she went through in her father’s home,k he might understand her more. She also needs to stand up for herself and let him know that if he won’t let her live her damn life she’s going to distance herself from him. But like, communication here, or lack thereof, if the main issue.
It isn’t good, but at the same time, his wife almost actually died and doesn’t seem to realize how bad it all was. “Next time it will be better”. He already knows that she is pushing herself and not taking care of herself for the sake of duty.
Imagine your partner is a new driver. They start driving really fast and trying to drift the car on a busy public road. You grab the steering wheel and save them from getting into a giant accident. You’re shocked by the recklessness. And they say “next time it will be better”. They are completely missing what the problem is.
Bro we need her to stop loving riftan for a while to show him his place
next week will be hot love🥰 keep waiting guys!
Kdj's black flame dragon keeper
Riftan wtf…
yeah like when did Riftan get so toxic……I do understand he’s tryna protect her
This is being annoying toxic love 😓🥲