I honestly don’t feel bad for FL mother. She choose to be with someone who doesn’t love her for what reason? Is not like he has a good personality. Also what about her family the Marquis. If they’re not bad why not send your daughter to be under their care. I would never put my child through this situation. And she seals her daughters magic only to broken if she finds true love😑 that’s the worst.
I honestly don’t feel bad for FL mother. She choose to be with someone who doesn’t love her for what reason? Is not like he has a good personality. Also what about her family the Marquis. If they’re not bad why not send your daughter to be under their care. I would never put my child through this situation. And she seals her daughters magic only to broken if she finds true love😑 that’s the worst.
Aww.. feeling sad for FL’s mother 😓