RavenSchofield Who’s that? Sir Jiho again ? Did Riviere Also part of them ? November 23, 2024 at 6:51 am Log in to Reply
Jowisz I’m sorry but how stupid is she? I mean guards exist for a reason. She’s a duchess after all, she should have somebody to protect her. I can understand that maybe she wanted to be alone with her friend for a while but have a bit of common sense. November 21, 2024 at 10:36 am Log in to Reply
Some heads are going to roll today
What the
Who’s that?
Sir Jiho again ?
Did Riviere Also part of them ?
I’m sorry but how stupid is she? I mean guards exist for a reason. She’s a duchess after all, she should have somebody to protect her. I can understand that maybe she wanted to be alone with her friend for a while but have a bit of common sense.