Cancers You bully ygret Now you’ll regret. He was once a meek And was always weak. But only with with his cuteness You’ll be killed so merciless 😂😂 July 7, 2022 at 1:15 pm Log in to Reply
Bubbly_patato My Ygret is so cute, I could kill anyone if he orders me to… October 13, 2021 at 10:04 pm Log in to Reply
You bully ygret
Now you’ll regret.
He was once a meek
And was always weak.
But only with with his cuteness
You’ll be killed so merciless 😂😂
TheReader. 25
He’s a bloody prince ffs
How could they do that to such a cute child?
its so mean how everyone treats him 🙁
My Ygret is so cute, I could kill anyone if he orders me to…
Thank you for the update!!<33