You’re just a supporting character, so love me! - Chapter 38
1stkissmanga, A Thousand Year Engagment, Best Manhwa, Good Manhwa, harimanga, He's a Supporting Character but I Love Him Anyway, Hot manhwa, I Can No Longer Pretend I Don’t See It, I Love Him Even Though He's Just A Supporting Character, I was just trying to prevent the breakup of the main characters, manga zin, manhwa recommend, manhwafull, Side Characters Deserve Love Too, You're a Supporting Character Just Love Me
Rick has supremely excellent taste my boy better get that quick she’s a dream and deserves some love.
Also because of the age thing it is kinda odd that the ml got jealous and genuinely annoyed at the rumors that circulated. It could be that he is referring to the fact that its dangerous for such rumors too spread about her at all, bit the way he worded it (‘you want to see me but let the rumors circulate’) made me a bit worried that he was more annoyed at the type of rumors travelling around (her having a crush on someone else) instead of the fact that its dangerous for his mum to hear. I know it’s being played for a gag and their little jealous rivalry is a good joke for the most part but here and at the start of the next chapter it almost seems like he’s actually upset at the notion that his tween little brother could potentially get with the much older mc (instead of being like ‘thats absurd!’ While still being envious of how much more time they spend together compared to him and her) and sees him like an actual rival in a way. Am i overexaggerating? Because the bit feels not that funny imo
I’m aware it’s not that deep and won’t matter in like 2 chapters, just thought it was weird haha
I love this manhwa, j really do, but I feel like the author has forgotten that theo is like 10. And the mc was 20 something in her old body and 17 (??? Around?) In her current one so it’s honestly a bit weird how not only did the rumors spread so easily and quickly, but everyone was genuinely fine with the notion
smokey guy
I’m not gay, i’m not gay, i’m not gay *essential crisis*
Prince of nothing
The hair cut looking good