Everyone’s giving her grief for asking if he loves her, but she is risking her future by going public. If their relationship ends, she’s going to be in the one paying the social price for it, not him. And that will make it impossible to find a job with a highborn or even middle class family as a tutor in the future. She will be considered a slut and so not suitable for teaching children, despite being led into this by him. She has a right to know where she stands before this starts.
Everyone’s giving her grief for asking if he loves her, but she is risking her future by going public. If their relationship ends, she’s going to be in the one paying the social price for it, not him. And that will make it impossible to find a job with a highborn or even middle class family as a tutor in the future. She will be considered a slut and so not suitable for teaching children, despite being led into this by him. She has a right to know where she stands before this starts.
She had to spoil the moment tsk
What made you think he loves you!?
Of course he would probably say no or something different that will make her feel bad…
Love is blind ey… tsk2
Yep the fl became a completely trash