EXCUSE ME WHAT??! impregnate?! I mean i thought it would just be like donating his sperm but then.. was sperm donating even a thing back then? Anyway that’s just plain disgusting and an ass thing to do.
Holy crap… i’m getting A Frozen Flower vibe from this one……. anyways… wth??? the baby has blonde hair??????? The Queen has black hair, The king has black hair…… the fking blondie bich has a blond hair…… OMFG IS HE THE FATHER????????????
The King & Queen are black haired, why their baby is blonde ?👶🏼
This makes no sense from the queen side, never mind her family. Her description of a beloved novel is even more ridiculous.
EXCUSE ME WHAT??! impregnate?! I mean i thought it would just be like donating his sperm but then.. was sperm donating even a thing back then? Anyway that’s just plain disgusting and an ass thing to do.
im re reading this and if i remember correctly.. yes, he did impregnate her ????
I simp cuties
Nooooooooo what the hell is going on?
Miss Evil
nooooo I hope that’s not the case @Daehoony
Holy crap… i’m getting A Frozen Flower vibe from this one……. anyways… wth??? the baby has blonde hair??????? The Queen has black hair, The king has black hair…… the fking blondie bich has a blond hair…… OMFG IS HE THE FATHER????????????